Do Not Lose Heart

Sue’s Views
I can’t see what’s around the corner ….. but I do know there will be some challenges. We were never promised a ‘walk in the park’ ….. but a path of suffering ….. trials ….. and opportunities to forgive. We are also assured that ‘these light afflictions’ are nothing compared to the glorious future for those who persevere. So ….. don’t be shocked. Be ready! Make sure you are on the winning team!
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18


Shipwreck or God Diversion?

Sue’s Views
Feeling like you are in a shipwreck? Has the job or business you depended on gone under? Are you experiencing loss or despair? Paul the Apostle experienced a few but we are given details of one in Acts 27 & 28. It’s one of the best ‘turn around’ stories you’ll ever read! In the midst of the chaos and panic ….. an angel told Paul that no lives would be lost as long as the crew stayed together. The ship was completely torn apart ….. but every crew member got to shore on the broken pieces of the ship. Not only were they saved ….. but Paul got to share the gospel with the Maltese people. He also healed all the sick people on the island. You could call it a God Diversion! He can use anything to get us to where He wants us. Wait for the ‘turn around!’

Steadfast and Sure

Sue’s Views
Every day things happen that are unexpected and unplanned for. These can come in the form of pleasant surprises ….. or shock waves that send you reeling. That’s why we need something steadfast and sure to hold onto. Or Someone who stays the same no matter what is happening around us. Faith in Christ gives us that assurance and support. He is a strong tower we can run into for shelter. He is a true plumb line showing us which way is up. He is an anchor of hope helping us see beyond the turmoil to better days. He is our comforter and healer when we are grieving. I couldn’t do life without Him. You don’t need to either!


It’s Not Over!

Sue’s Views
When it seems all is lost ….. it’s an opportunity for a miracle! When we see death ….. God sees life. When we see hopelessness ….. He says ‘trust me!’ When we think it’s too late ….. God says ‘It’s just beginning!’ In fact ….. He delights in waiting till it seems impossible. Then He breathes His supernatural power and life into a situation and turns it around. That way ….. He gets all the glory! And we are left in awe. It’s not over until He says so. And then ….. it’s because He has something better in mind!

Unfulfilled Dreams?

Sue’s Views
Do you have a dream that has faded in the light of reality? Maybe years have passed and you’ve resigned to thinking ‘that will never happen now.’ Maybe circumstances have put a barrier between you and the dream being fulfilled ….. or choices you’ve made have disqualified you from deserving it. Who gave you the dream? If it came from God ….. He will fulfil it! He’s the starter and the finisher. Yes it might take a little longer than He intended ….. and the route might be a little different ….. but hold on to those unfulfilled dreams. They are still on God’s to do list!

Reach Out

Sue’s Views
Are you feeling stressed? Whether it’s exams ….. financial worries ….. relationship problems ….. or just life ….. stress is a major modern day plague. I find with me ….. it’s not so much what’s happening but how I think about it. Anxiety about what might happen is worse than the reality! There’s a difference between stress and pressure. We can expect a certain amount of pressure. Pressure is a good thing. It keeps us moving! Many of us would become stagnant without pressure. Stress on the other hand is when we perceive it as too much. We feel overwhelmed and defeated. That’s when we need help. Reach out to a friend or counsellor who can ask the right questions and help find the root of your stress.

He Will Make A Way!

Walking with God means ….. knowing He will make a way! Does your situation seem impossible? ….. Is there no end in sight? ….. Wondering how you’re going to get out of this one? ….. Well, let me remind you that the same God who made a pathway through the sea ….. made rivers flow in the desert ….. makes the rough places smooth ….. and crooked places straight … able to move mountains for you and make a path for you to follow where He has already been!


Prayer For Israel

Sue’s Views
The best thing we can do for Israel is to pray and declare God’s Word over them. His Word will not return to Him without having accomplished what He sent it to do. Here is a good Psalm to use as a weapon!
Psalm 124
“If the Lord had not been on our side— let Israel say—
if the Lord had not been on our side when people attacked us,
they would have swallowed us alive when their anger flared against us;
the flood would have engulfed us, the torrent would have swept over us,
the raging waters would have swept us away.
Praise be to the Lord who has not let us be torn by their teeth.
 We have escaped like a bird from the fowler’s snare;
the snare has been broken, and we have escaped.
Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Most Powerful Weapon

Sue’s Views
With the very real threat of another world war ….. do you know that you most likely have the most powerful weapon somewhere in your house? God’s Word ….. The Bible ….. has become my most valuable and powerful possession! But it’s not much use sitting on a shelf gathering dust! It’s there to be read ….. meditated upon ….. and spoken! Isaiah 55 has become so meaningful to me of late. Here are a couple of verses from that chapter. 10-11
“As the rain and snow come down from heaven and stay upon the ground to water the earth, and cause the grain to grow and to produce seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry, so also is my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It shall accomplish all I want it to and prosper everywhere I send it.”
When we read and think about God’s Word ….. it changes us! It produces fruit that not only feeds us but also blesses others. God stands behind every Word He has spoken ….. so when we speak or pray His Word ….. He changes hearts and situations. If there is someone in your life who is struggling with the battles of life ….. declare God’s Word over them! It is more powerful than any weapon man has created. And God promises it will accomplish His will and purpose!


Gateways To Our Hearts

Sue’s Views
Did you know that your eyes and ears are gateways to your heart? What you see or hear affects how you feel ….. and what you believe. That’s why music and movies etc have so much influence in our lives. You can’t ‘unsee’ something you’ve seen ….. and you can’t ‘unhear’ something you’ve heard! As soon as you feel the least bit uncomfortable ….. it’s time to close the gate. For many people who suffer from depression ….. fear ….. lust ….. or rebellion ….. their problem is rooted in what they’ve allowed into their hearts. You are the gatekeeper for yourself and your children!