From Death to Life

Sue’s Views
When all seems hopeless ….. and you feel like it’s over ….. God’s ability is just beginning. He specialises in breathing life into dry bones ….. raising dead dreams ….. restoring dead relationships. Give Him your grief ….. despair ….. disappointment ….. and see Him turn your mourning into dancing ….. your sorrow into joy!

Choose Wisely!

Sue’s Views
Who do you look up to?  We need leaders who are strong but who can identify with those they lead. Leaders who are not out for personal gain ….. but to influence and change things for the better for all concerned. Most of all ….. they must be people of integrity. People who do what they say ….. and say what they mean. When God chose a king ….. He looked not at the outward appearance but at the heart. With elections coming up ….. let’s do the same!


Turn It Around!

Sue’s Views
Every choice we make in life paves the way for the future. If only we had a fast forward ….. and a rewind button! Most decisions are made on the spur of the moment. If only we took time to think ‘how will this affect my life ….. and the lives of others?’ Thankfully ….. most mistakes can be learned from. Forgiveness and restitution can turn them into something wonderful. Don’t let shame or regret keep you on a downhill spiral. Some of the best testimonies are honest confessions of our mess ups ….. and how we turned them round!

The Valley of Weeping

Sue’s Views
The ‘weeping willow’ always reminds me of Psalm 84. 5-7
‘Happy are those who are strong in the Lord, who want above all else to follow your steps. When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of springs where pools of blessing and refreshment collect after rains! They will grow constantly in strength …..’
We will all go through the ‘valley of weeping’ at some stage. We can use it to make us bitter ….. or better! I remember reading a book many years ago called ‘Don’t Waste Your Sorrows’. They are not there to drown us but to open up a fountain of blessing. Not only for us ….. but also for others. Our sorrows enable us to identify with those around us ….. and of course with Jesus ….. who suffered the greatest grief ever.


Power of the Tongue

Sue’s Views
One of the most challenging verses in the Bible says ‘Life and death are in the power of the tongue’. The tongue is one of the smallest parts of the body ….. but it is one of the most powerful! Words have tremendous power. They can build up ….. or tear down. They can share truth ….. or spread lies. They can label someone for life ….. or give them something to live up to. Once spoken ….. they cannot be taken back. Let’s choose carefully before we speak and think about the consequences of our words.


Gods Timing

Sue’s Views
Trying to hear from God ….. but not getting a clear answer? It could be a matter of timing! Just as things look sharper when the sun is overhead ….. God may be saying ….. “Wait!” If we move before His timing ….. we could trip ….. or be deceived by shadows. His timing is perfect!

The Goodness of God

Sue’s Views
Just sitting here reflecting on the past week ….. and how good God is! This time last week ….. I was feeling anxious about what was ahead. I’m one of those people who try to plan for every possible scenario. The problem is ….. God doesn’t usually fit into any of them! He has His own plan ….. and it’s always perfect. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow. Just take it one day at a time! Most of the things we worry about never actually happen ….. and if they do ….. we discover that we are able to cope with far more than we thought we could.

His Strength in our Weakness

Sue’s Views
No matter how frail or inadequate you feel ….. prayer can turn the weakest creature into a mighty force to be reckoned with! That’s because the power doesn’t come from you. When you allow yourself to become a channel for the Holy Spirit ….. look out devil! From the smallest child to the senile grandma ….. from the least knowledgeable to the most broken ….. you can be a world changer!

Mary or Martha?

Sue’s Views
My Word this morning was ‘Be still and know that I am God’. The Martha in me rose up! But you know all the things going on Lord. And there is so much to be done ….. who’s going to do it if I don’t? I almost heard God chuckle!! I’m so glad God has a sense of humour! He reminded me of all the times my stomach has been in knots of anxiety and stress ….. only to have Him go to great lengths to iron them out. When I’ve been in a sticky situation and begged Him to help me have a difficult conversation ….. only to have Him change the other person’s heart! When we think our situation is just too complicated ….. God says ‘It’s nothing to me. But you have to hand it over!’ That’s when the ‘Mary’ in me woke up! Instead of rushing here and there and trying to nut out the day ahead ….. I sat at His feet in adoration. My ‘to do’ list is on His ‘already done’ list! I hope this helps someone out there. I’m not saying I won’t go through it all again tomorrow ….. but the more we practice being still ….. the more we’ll know that ‘He is God’.

God’s Perspective

Walking with God means ….. seeing things from His perspective! Sometimes all we can see is the mess we’ve made ….. or other people have made ….. and nothing seems to make sense ….. but from God’s point of view, it makes perfect sense! He can take all the tangled threads and make something meaningful out of it all ….. so give it to Him today!image0.jpeg