Life’s Journey

Sue’s Views 
The journey through life is never a straight line. There are twists and turns ….. ups and downs along the way. The path you were on may have lead nowhere ….. but what seems to be a dead end might just be a learning curve! God is more interested in building our character than protecting us from disappointment. He wants us to finish well ….. but He’s never in a hurry. The lessons we learn along the way are worth far more than gold ….. because they are not only for us! They are to be shared with others!

Time For Every Purpose Under Heaven

Sue’s Views
Time is flowing by so fast ….. and it can seem like we don’t have enough of it. But whenever I get flustered about getting things done ….. I’ve learned to stop and ask myself, “Is this on Gods ‘to do’ list or just mine?”  In Ecclesiastes 3:1 it says: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” God gives us time to do what He has purposed. I wonder how much of what we take on is not part of His plan. Busyness is a major cause of stress ….. anxiety and family break downs. We need to get in flow with the Holy Spirit who is always at peace and always on time. Just some thoughts before things start to rev up between now and the end of the year!


Sue’s Views
What do you do when the path you’re on runs out? You have three choices ….. 1) You turn back ….. 2) You stay where you are ….. 3) You move forward and make a new path! There are times when we realise we have made a mistake and we need to do a 180. There are times when we need to pause and wait for further direction. But then there are times when we know God has told us to do something that may be new territory. Pioneers have no path to follow ….. no map for guidance ….. no Google for directions! They just have a deep sense of calling and purpose. All these require courage and obedience. Where are you on your journey?


Sue’s Views
Do you find yourself in conflict a lot? Are you constantly fighting against your spouse ….. children ….. parents ….. workmates? You’re probably fighting the wrong enemy! Those kinds of battles are won only in the prayer closet! The people and situations that rile you up are not your enemy ….. they are just being used by the devil to destroy you. Take authority over him in prayer and he will flee!

God Given Authority!

Sue’s Views
Yesterday was Fathers’ Day here in NZ. I’ve been thinking about the hugely significant role of Fathers ….. especially as we head towards our national elections in a few weeks time. There is no doubt that there has been an erosion of the family over time. Dads are depicted as the ‘geeky’ guy who needs his wife and kids to ‘show him how it’s done’. Like the proverbial frog in the pot ….. we’ve become used to the roles being reversed and in many cases totally abdicated. But being a father is a God given authority. Nothing can change that. We are in serious trouble because we’re not doing things God’s way. Men ….. we need you to be strong and take your place as leaders. You are highly valued!

Spring is Here!

Sue’s Views
‘For the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers are springing up and the time of the singing of birds has come.’ Yes, spring is here!Welcome to spring! It’s a season of new life. Every winter leads into spring. I can’t promise there will be no rain ….. but I can promise there will be flowers and birds singing. I can’t promise there will be no more pain ….. but I can promise a new perspective and understanding. The old adage ‘No pain ….. no gain’ ….. is so true. Everyone who has a story worth hearing has paid the price. And your story is going to make a difference in someone’s life. I pray ….. in this new season … will begin to see beauty instead of ashes ….. the oil of joy in place of mourning ….. and a garment of praise to replace the spirit of heaviness!



Sue’s Views
Today is officially the last day of winter ….. and change is definitely in the air. Not only in the weather ….. but in just about every aspect of life as we know it. Change is inevitable and we’ve all adapted to new schools ….. homes ….. jobs ….. relationships etc. Things that may have seemed daunting have become the norm ….. as we’ve grown used to them. But we must be careful. Some things should never change. God’s Word will never change! It is established forever. It doesn’t ‘adapt’ to the times we’re living in. It doesn’t ‘evolve’ to suit our way of thinking. And it certainly doesn’t ‘compromise’ or ‘tolerate’ to satisfy our selfish desires. There are agendas aiming to do just that. If ideas are pushed hard enough …. they become familiar and start to sound reasonable. Let the Word of God be your plumb line. Study the truth and you’ll recognise the false. God will bring about a new season in His timing.


Celebrate the Season

Sue’s Views

There are officially only 2 days left of winter! How’s your winter season been? Will you remember it for the cold nights ….. higher power bills ….. and flu bugs? Or for the warm and close fellowship of loved ones ….. God’s daily provision ….. and His healing in your body? Every season has something to celebrate! Now roll on spring!



Sues Views
Yesterday we celebrated our Church’s 50th Jubilee! 3 generations of leaders have led us through those years so there was much to celebrate and reminisce upon. Our founding Pastor, David McCracken, shared on ‘Gods Prevailing Grace’. He reminded us that God’s grace works best in imperfect people! We’ll always depend on it and it’s always enough! He also reminded us that It’s never too late for old dreams to be resurrected ….. and new ones to be birthed. His final thought was ‘ The dream is not destroyed by the tomb ….. it’s empowered by it! A huge thank you  to our three wonderful pastors and their wives for your faithfulness and leadership. The future is bright and filled with hope!

Peace In The Midst Of Chaos!

Sue’s Views
I found this idyllic spot the other day and sat there expecting to hear from God! A few minutes later I was surrounded by a multitude of bird life ….. no doubt expecting something from me! Feeling somewhat distracted ….. I left and continued my walk. That’s when God spoke! He told me that anyone can enjoy His presence in the peaceful and pleasant times. But those who really know Him have learned to enjoy Him in the turbulent and not so pleasant times. Peace is not the absence of trouble ….. but the presence of God in the midst of chaos! It’s not the first time He has sent birds to convey His message!