Gateways To Our Hearts

Sue’s Views
Did you know that your eyes and ears are gateways to your heart? What you see or hear affects how you feel ….. and what you believe. That’s why music and movies etc have so much influence in our lives. You can’t ‘unsee’ something you’ve seen ….. and you can’t ‘unhear’ something you’ve heard! As soon as you feel the least bit uncomfortable ….. it’s time to close the gate. For many people who suffer from depression ….. fear ….. lust ….. or rebellion ….. their problem is rooted in what they’ve allowed into their hearts. You are the gatekeeper for yourself and your children!

Psalm for a Difficult Journey

Sue’s Views
Psalm 121 is a song for Pilgrims on a journey to Jerusalem. It was a difficult journey with rough roads and danger lurking along the way. And it was an uphill journey. We are all on a journey ….. and it is hard! But God ….. who is so much higher and greater than the mountains He created ….. protects us along the way. 
I look up to the mountains—
    does my help come from there?
My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth!
He will not let you stumble;
    the one who watches over you will not slumber.
Indeed, he who watches over Israel
    never slumbers or sleeps.
The Lord himself watches over you!
    The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.
The sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon at night.
The Lord keeps you from all harm
    and watches over your life.
The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go,
    both now and forever.


There’s a Light at the End of the Tunnel

Sue’s Views
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! No matter what ‘tunnel’ you are going through ….. there is an end to it. The worse part is the darkness ….. the monotony ….. and not knowing when it will end. The best part is that it’s taking you through something that would otherwise be insurmountable. Whether your tunnel experience is physical ….. emotional ….. financial ….. relational ….. remember God is the greatest Civil Engineer! He not only built the tunnel ….. He knows every square inch of it ….. and will be with you every step of the way. 
 “Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.”  
   Psalm 30:5


What Did God Really Say?

Sue’s Views
I don’t know a time when I’ve been more aware of the battle between good and evil! I feel like I’m living in a ‘parallel universe’! The devils plan has always been to make us question God. (‘Did God really say …..’) He uses subtlety and counterfeit to sugarcoat his lies. That’s why it’s so important to know what God really did say! In the days when bank tellers handled cash ….. they were taught to study the original banknotes so they would automatically recognise a counterfeit one. They didn’t study all the false notes! It’s the same with us! We must know what Gods Word says ….. not everyone’s opinions about what it says. That only brings confusion. Check it out for yourself. It’s time to decide which side you are on!


The Truth Will Set You Free

Sue’s Views
Worried about what people are saying behind your back? Gossip and tale bearing are never pleasant ….. but we shouldn’t be overly concerned about what people think of us.   Maybe you’ve made some mistakes ….. or maybe you have been misunderstood. If you live and speak the truth ….. the truth will set you free. Do your best to live at peace with those around you. Then leave the rest up to God!

The Anchor Of Hope

Sue’s Views 
One thing we need more than anything right now is hope!  Not wishful thinking ….. or a far off dream. True hope in the Bible means assurance that is based on faith in something or someone who is unshakeable and absolutely trustworthy. A huge ship relies on a small anchor because the anchor connects it to the sea bed which is solid and unmoveable. We only need a small amount of faith (like a mustard seed) to connect us to our God who is always steadfast and sure. 
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6:19

Between A Rock And A Hard Place?

Sue’s Views
If you find yourself between a rock and a hard place ….. don’t be surprised. It’s God’s testing ground! Jesus was tested in the wilderness for 40 days ….. Israel was tested in the desert for 40 years ….. and we too will go through our season of testing. It’s the place where we trust God or we die. It’s where we discover who we are ….. but more importantly ….. who God is! Before He died ….. Jesus prepared his disciples for troublesome times ahead. He spoke of natural disasters ….. but also about deception ….. betrayal and hatred towards one another. In His own words:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


Psalm 31

Sue’s Views 
Psalm 31 was written by King David at a time of distress in his life. He felt trapped (v4) ….. filled with grief (v9) ….. weak and afflicted (v10) ….. hated and abandoned by his loved ones (v11-13) ….. and worst of all ….. forgotten by God! (V22) 
‘In my alarm I said,
    “I am cut off from your sight!”
There are times in life when we feel like the heavens are made of brass and no one is listening. 
But He goes on to say:
‘Yet you heard my cry for mercy
    when I called to you for help.’
God is there even when you can’t feel His presence or hear His voice. 
In David’s final words:
‘Be strong and take heart,
    all you who hope in the Lord.’


Mirror Mirror

Sue’s Views
What do you see when you look in the mirror? Even though a good mirror reflects a true image ….. we often see ourselves through a filter. It may be a filter of shame ….. a filter of comparison ….. or a filter of a label from the past. These filters distort the image we see. The purpose of a mirror is to help us see the hair out of place ….. or the things we can change. It’s not to define us. So next time you look in the mirror ….. thank God for the amazing miracle looking back at you!


God Sees You!

Sue’s Views
Do you know that Almighty God ….. the Creator of the Universe ….. sees you? There is nowhere you can go to escape His gaze! Now that can be comforting ….. or alarming ….. depending on where you stand with Him. If you are one of His children ….. that is wonderful news. It means you never have to be afraid of danger ….. or worry about provision ….. or be anxious about your future. It means knowing who you are and whose you are. Above all ….. it means knowing you are forgiven from all your wrongdoing ….. and have God’s Spirit within you to guide you through life. However ….. if you don’t know God as your Father ….. you are missing out on the life He intended for you. There is only one way to change that and it’s through His Son, Jesus. In His words ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’