Body, Soul and Spirit

Sue’s Views 
In order to live a healthy life we must remember we are 3 part beings ….. body ….. soul ….. and spirit. Each of these parts need to be taken care of. And they are inter-related ….. so when one suffers ….. they all suffer. Our bodies need good nourishment and exercise to function well. Our souls need positive stimulation and truth to develop our understanding. Our spirits need to be in tune with our Creator so everything will be in balance. You are a miracle ….. so treat your whole self with love and respect!

His Eye Is On You!

Sue’s Views
If your world has been turned upside down ….. and it feels like nothing will ever be the same ….. remember that ‘not even one sparrow will fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And you are far more valuable than a sparrow.’ He will provide for you while He is working out your situation. Even when we can’t see it ….. or feel it ….. He’s working! He never stops working!

Broken Hearts

Sue’s Views
Has your heart been broken? You acted out of love ….. but it wasn’t appreciated? Like these petals ….. fallen to the ground only to be trodden on? I want to encourage you today ….. that God is the best heart surgeon. He specialises in healing and restoring broken hearts. He identifies with your grief ….. He knows what it’s like to be misunderstood ….. He understands what it is to be rejected. Invite Him into your situation and see what He will do!

God is Clearing the Path!

Sue’s Views
Is the way ahead looking a little unclear? Answers to prayer don’t always come as a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ ….. sometimes it’s a ‘not now’ ….. sometimes it’s just silence. Remember that your life is a very small part of a very big picture. That doesn’t mean it’s not significant or important to God ….. it just means there may be things He needs to clear from the path before He gives you the ‘go ahead’! Always remember ….. he has your very best interests at heart ….. and where you are right now ….. is right where He wants you!

Through the Valley

Sue’s Views
The valley of the shadow of death is not a place we would choose to walk through ….. but for most of us it will be a part of our journey. However ….. there is much to be learned there. Firstly ….. a valley is a low lying area between hills or mountains. It takes you through something that would otherwise be insurmountable. Secondly ….. it’s only a shadow of death. Shadows can be eerie ….. but they are not the real thing. They appear bigger than the real thing ….. but they have no substance. Shadows are also proof that there is light even though you can’t see it. Thirdly ….. it is a place where we are assured of God’s presence. He said ‘When you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will be with you. My rod and my staff will comfort you.’ If you are in that valley ….. look for the One who is with you every step of the journey!

Painful But Purposeful!

Sue’s Views
We can always expect God to be great and do great things ….. that’s who He is! But we sometimes have to lower our expectations of people. They will let us down! In order to avoid living a life of resentment and offence ….. remember God is in control. Many things in life are painful ….. but purposeful! Look for God’s purpose and it will give meaning to your pain!

Gods Plans

Sue’s Views
Do you know that God has amazing things planned for you? You can’t see them yet but He does. Now we can only see a dim reflection but ….. in His time ….. all will be revealed. Right now ….. you’re in training! What you are going through is preparing you to be able to handle the wonderful plans He has in store. So don’t fight it! Press in to your Captain who knows what He is doing. It will be worth it!

Rock of Ages

Sue’s Views
When your feet are firmly planted on the Rock ….. it doesn’t matter how big or small you are ….. or how weak or strong you are. It doesn’t matter how much you know ….. or what you’ve done in the past. The strength ….. wisdom and ability is all in the Rock! Jesus Christ is our Rock! He never fails ….. is always faithful ….. always present ….. always merciful. And He is always bigger than any problem you are going through. Don’t be tempted to fly away and find some other source of comfort. Hold fast to the Rock of Ages! He will never let you down!

Recipe For Overcoming Anxiety

Sue’s Views 
Life gives us plenty of opportunities to be anxious. How do we stay in peace through such times? The Bible gives us a wonderful step by step recipe. Philippians 4: 6-8 says ‘Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.  Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about.’ Have a blessed and peace filled Monday everyone!

Home Again!

Sue’s Views
Back home ….. and thankfully it’s nice and warm! I don’t think ….. no matter how many times I fly ….. I’ll ever lose that sense of relief when the plane touches down and finally comes to a halt! We are just so grateful to have been able to make this trip to Fiji ….. for the many reconnections with awesome people ….. for the precious memories relived ….. for Gods provision and protection ….. but most of all for having greater understanding of what God is doing. I see life as a great big jigsaw puzzle. After each new experience ….. a few more pieces are put into place ….. and the picture becomes clearer.