Family Tree

Sue’s Views
The Wilson tribe love reasons to get together ….. so a visit by our niece, Manaini, from Fiji was a good excuse! She got to meet all her cousins at once ….. and survived! But we are a very small part of a much bigger picture. We started a family tree ….. but soon ran out of paper! If it were possible ….. we would find we are all connected! The Bible is very focussed on family trees. It clearly states the family lines of each individual ….. which also proves they existed! 
God knows each one by name and where they fit into the family tree! 
Luke 3:38 “ ….. the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God”.

Wherever You Go ….. There You Are!

Sue’s Views
Have you ever thought ‘If only I was in a different environment ….. things would be better’? If I lived in a nicer house ….. had a better job ….. had married someone else? Circumstances do make a difference ….. but the truth is ….. they don’t change who we are on the inside. As someone once said ….. ‘Wherever you go ….. there you are!’ The Israelites finally reached the Promised Land. A land flowing with milk and honey! Surely now they would be content. Surely now there would be no more complaining. Surely now they would live in peace and harmony. But ….. alas ….. they brought along the old nature of self centredness and pride. Many times in the Old Testament it says ‘They did what was right in their own eyes’. A recipe for disaster!

God, The Rock!

Sue’s Views
Some of the best hymns have been written in the darkest or most difficult times. Songs like ‘Amazing Grace’ ….. and ‘It is well with my soul’ ….. were born out of times of tragedy and loss. One I love is ‘Ascribe Greatness to our God, the Rock.’ It was written by Moses at the end of his life. His very difficult life had taught Him that God was faithful, just and always did what was right. To Moses ….. God was the Rock that held him and gave him strength. If you are going through a season where it feels like you are hanging on by your fingernails ….. let go! Because God ….. the Rock ….. has got you!


Sue’s Views 
The trees are starting to change colour and there is a definite ‘nip’ in the air!As we reluctantly say goodbye to summer ….. let’s remember that every season has its purpose and is necessary for life to continue. I personally love autumn! It has a beauty of its own. The vibrant array of colours ….. the crunchiness of walking on fallen leaves ….. the crispness of the sunny days! It causes us to prepare for winter by putting on an extra layer. In nature ….. it’s clear out time! It gets rid of the old to make way for the new. Not a bad time for us to do the same!

Remember What God Has Done!

Sue’s Views

I don’t know about you ….. but I forget things very easily these days! Maybe it’s because life is so full and our minds are operating on overload most of the time. I don’t want to think it’s because I’m getting older ….. but that too! One thing I’ve found valuable is to keep a journal. Some days I simply write down what I did that day. Other days I take more time to process my thoughts and feelings. One thing God told the Israelites over and over was ‘Don’t forget!’ When you go into the Promised Land and possess houses you didn’t build ….. crops you didn’t plant ….. livestock and riches you didn’t earn ….. don’t forget that everything you have comes from God. When I look back at my journals throughout the years ….. I’m reminded of the many challenges God has brought me and my family through. The many blessings He has loaded us with daily. The lessons learned ….. the growth that has taken place. It all ends up with thanksgiving! If life is tough right now ….. take a moment to remember the One who has brought you through ….. and will continue to do so.


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Filled with God’s Spirit

Sue’s Views
No matter how sophisticated we think we are ….. or how famous ….. or how talented ….. we are all made from the same clay! It’s what fills that clay vessel that makes all the difference. God’s Spirit on the inside transforms us from a clay pot ….. to a treasure trove. From a container ….. to a dispenser of His love. So instead of comparing yourself with other pots ….. let Him fill you and do things through you that you have not yet imagined!

All Things Bright and Beautiful!

Sue’s Views
We enjoyed a lovely family day out yesterday at Butterfly Creek. It reminded me of the old hymn ‘All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small. All things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all!’ From butterflies and lizards ….. to farm animals ….. to alligators … to dinosaurs! Each creature is so different and intricately designed. We certainly do have a creative and amazing God!

It’s Worth the Climb!

Sue’s Views
Much of life is an uphill climb. It takes more energy ….. and motivation ….. and it’s easy to settle for the ‘low road’. But the ‘high road’ has a better view. You can look back on where you’ve come from with perspective ….. instead of always wondering, “What’s up there?”

The Lord’s Prayer

Sue’s Views
When Jesus disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray ….. He gave them a model prayer which has come to be known as ‘The Lords Prayer’. It wasn’t meant to be quoted parrot fashion but to be followed thoughtfully. It contains all the elements required to live each day in Gods blessing. It starts by putting God in His rightful place ‘Our Father in Heaven’. It acknowledges who He is ‘Hallowed be your name’ ….. determines our desire to see Him reign as King on earth ‘Your Kingdom come’ ….. and our willingness to put His will above ours ‘Your will be done on earth as in Heaven’. Then we can bring our physical needs ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ ….. our spiritual needs, ‘Forgive us our debts as we forgive those indebted to us’ ….. our mental and emotional needs, ‘And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.’ Finally ….. it reaffirms who God is, ‘For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.’
If you use this pattern every day you will never run out of things to pray for your family and loved ones!

Decision Time

Sue’s Views
Finding it hard to make a decision? Ask God for wisdom. He has all the facts ….. and He wants you to do well. But you must act on what He shows you to do. Faith pleases Him ….. even more than whether or not you make the right decision. He can steer you in the right direction ….. but you must make the first move.