Faith is …..

Sue’s Views
What is faith? It’s not wishful thinking ….. or a way to get something you really want. It’s seeing something that God has promised ….. but that doesn’t yet exist. If I can see something ….. I don’t need faith to believe in it! Faith is something that grows ….. like a tree. It starts off as a tiny seed that looks nothing like a tree. But ….. given time ….. it grows into something that brings forth fruit ….. shelter ….. and beauty. Faith is like a muscle that must be exercised in order to strengthen. It also pleases God!

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

Sue’s Views
God has new territory for us to possess. It may be spiritual territory ….. emotional ….. mental ….. or material ….. but it is most likely occupied at the moment. Opposing forces don’t want you to have it. In order to possess something ….. we first have to dispossess it! Israel didn’t just wander into the Promised Land and take over. They discovered it was occupied by enemies of God and they weren’t going to hand it over easily. God had promised them that they would win the battle ….. but they still had to fight! When we fight in God’s army ….. we are assured of victory. So ….. ‘Be strong and of good courage ….. for the battle belongs to the Lord!’


Sue’s Views
Board games really bring out the true character of a person! There’s the competitive ….. ‘must win at all costs’ type! Then there’s the strategic ….. ‘takes their time before making a move’ type. The aim of the game is to get home! The Israelites journey was something like a board game. They started out well ….. but then they would find themselves back where they started! They won some battles ….. but lost some as well. They had to learn to trust God and not rely on their own strategies. Their goal was to get to the Promised Land which was to be their new Home!

Oldies Day Out!

Sue’s Views
Off on a cruise with some girl friends yesterday! Unfortunately our mode of transport was the Waiheke ferry ….. but one can only dream! Half the passengers on the ferry were probably off the cruise liner. Our one day trip was most enjoyable and the best part was that it cost us nothing but a coffee and lunch! Oh the joys of growing old!

A God Thing!

Sue’s Views
 I’d like to introduce you to my brother, Chris. He is a great example of what Christianity is all about! As an ex cop he is now helping to get ex prisoners jobs and intergrated back into society in Perth. Most of these guys are changed men and women who now have dignity ….. a sense of purpose ….. and something to contribute to society. It’s not all about judging others ….. it’s about seeing a need and meeting that need! That’s what Gods love is all about! Apart from saving lives and families ….. imagine how much money is being saved! It costs millions of dollars to keep people in prison. This was initiated by God and He brought the right team together to be able to make it work. I wonder what other great things He wants to do! All He requires is a life surrendered to doing His will. Watch the video! You’ll be inspired!


Sue’s Views
This waterwheel relies on the pressure of water to be of any use. Without that ….. it would remain stagnant. Pressure is not always a bad thing! As much as we might like a life free from stress ….. deadlines ….. or expectations of others ….. without those we too would stagnate and become useless. Just as stress training is vital to strengthen muscles ….. so the stresses of life can strengthen our innermost being. They can bring out the fight in us and motivate us to get up and do something. No race was won ….. and no victory gained without pressure. Of course ….. too much pressure can squash us. That’s when we need to adjust the flow by saying ‘no’ ….. or by seeking help.

In – Loves!

Sue’s Views
One of the best things about being a Mum is seeing your children become adults and make good life decisions. I can honestly say our three have made some really great ones! We had two sons and one daughter ….. but we now have three sons and three daughters!  We don’t call them ‘in laws’ ….. but ‘in loves’! Today is Talya’s birthday! Thanks Talz for bringing so much joy and laughter to our family ….. but also some deep conversation and great cooking (not forgetting 5 gorgeous grandies!) Tim did very well! Parents ….. it’s a good idea to pray for your children to make those important decisions even when they are young. God knows them better than we do ….. and will help them make good choices. Happy Birthday to our daughter in love! 🥰

Tested By Storms

Sue’s Views
We’ve seen lately the devastation and heartache storms can cause. But one positive is that they often expose what’s really going on under the surface. It may be something practical ….. like leaky roofs or blocked drains. But it can also be emotional ….. like roots of fear or resentment. Every invention of man is put to the most stringent test before being allowed to be sold to the public. We are of far more value to God than a vehicle or machine! He allows us to be tested to see what’s really going on in our hearts and minds. He gives us opportunities to fix what needs fixing ….. and strengthen our weak spots ….. before the big storm comes!


Sue’s Views
We paid a visit to our favourite getaway, Orewa this weekend only to find things have changed considerably! The 1st pic was taken 2 hours before high tide ….. and the 2nd showing some of the after effects. The beautiful beach (when we could actually see it) was covered in shells and debris. Next day ….. things looked more normal but locals are concerned. Maybe living by the coast is not such a good idea 😳


Sue’s Views
Summer is almost over …..  but what a summer it has been! How will you remember the summer of 2022/23? There has certainly been plenty to complain about if we so choose. But the good news is that we do have a choice! Challenging times are always opportunities to reprioritise our lives. To focus on the blessings ….. to magnify the things we are thankful for. Some of the things on my list would be family ….. health ….. deepened friendships. But above all ….. I am so thankful to know my Heavenly Father ….. without whom none of these things would be possible. Because He is at the helm ….. I am excited about the future no matter how bleak it may look. 
‘Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:18