Is It Getting Hot In Here?

Sue’s Views
As a grandparent ….. I was angered to hear about Family First being deregistered as a charity because of their Biblical stance on many issues that affect the family. However ….. I shouldn’t be surprised! The agenda to challenge and completely reverse Christian values is nothing new ….. but it is accelerating every day and we can’t be passive about that. The latest report is about a curriculum being introduced at school camps. I quote:
‘When you send your children on an outdoor adventure camp or programme, you’re probably expecting that the activities will be based around water safety, abseiling, mountain biking, caving, canoeing, camping, environmental wellbeing, outdoor learning experiences, outdoor education etc. But a new curriculum by Education Outdoors New Zealand labelled “Going with the flow” is a gender fluidity indoctrination course for young boys and girls.’
It’s vital that we instill in our kids that their identity, purpose and value is determined by God!

Calm Before The Storm

Sue’s Views
After hearing the weather forecast ….. we decided to go for a drive to the coast on Monday before the storm hit. The sea was perfectly calm ….. but the sky confirmed what was predicted. In the storms of life ….. we don’t always get a warning. They can come suddenly out of nowhere. How do we prepare for such events? By looking up! Sometimes ….. the Holy Spirit prompts us to do something we may not understand at the time. It may be a feeling or a word we hear in our innermost being. But even if the storm hits us unknowingly ….. we can be sure that the One who is in control can calm the storm or take us safely through it. Jesus said “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. The sun is still shining above those storm clouds!

Lessons From Sparrows

Sue’s Views
We had an attentive audience while having morning tea at a cafe yesterday! Several messages came to mind while watching this scenario. The first was that God cares even for the sparrows ….. so how much more will he care for me! (Thank you Lord that you provide all my needs!) But then I thought about how ….. even though He provides for our needs ….. we are often not satisfied. We want it the easy way! ( Shoo! Lazy birds! Go and find some worms!) Then my mind switched to the story of a poor man named Lazarus who longed for crumbs that fell from a rich man’s table. (Oh here birdies! You can have half of my scone!) All in all ….. a pleasant time out with hubby! But so many mixed emotions!

In Jesus Name

Sue’s Views
Why do we pray ‘in Jesus Name’? Is it just a label we tag on to our prayer? No! It’s because only Jesus has ‘credit’ with God! I could write out a check for $1 million and sign my name ….. but it would bounce! In the same way ….. I don’t personally have any credit in Heaven. In fact I am in debt to God. But if Jesus signed the cheque ….. it would be valid! As long as our prayer is according to His will and in His Name ….. we are assured of His answer!
‘And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.’
John 14:13-14
It reminds me of the old song: 
‘He paid the debt he did not owe, I owe the debt I could not pay
I needed someone to wash my sins away
And now I sing a brand new song, “Amazing grace”
Christ Jesus paid the debt I could never pay’

Half Time

Sue’s Views
How’s your year going? The first half is over ….. and today ….. the second half begins. Rugby is known as ‘a game of two halves’. No matter how well the first half goes ….. the game is won or lost in the second half. The losing team has two choices! They can give up because they are so far behind ….. or they can see half time as a new start. They can regather their team and look at where they have gone wrong ….. and they can change tactics and determine to win the game. Wherever you are in the game of life ….. it’s not over till the final whistle blows!

Don’t Be Trapped!

Sue’s Views
The spider spins a beautiful web ….. but it is designed to trap and kill his prey. That is so like the devil ….. the enemy of our souls. He doesn’t go round with horns and a pitchfork as often portrayed. That would be too obvious! No! He appears as an angel of light. He cleverly presents his case ….. and lures us into his snare with persuasion and promises he has no intention of keeping. He is a master of counterfeit and deceit. We are seeing and hearing his lies on a daily basis as he slowly erodes and twists everything that is good and right. And then he points the finger at those who stand for what’s right ….. and makes them the enemy! In order to recognise what’s false ….. we must focus on what’s true!
‘See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.’ Colossians 2:8

Spring is Coming!

Sue’s Views
As I was going for my walk yesterday clad like I was going skiing ….. I was surprised to see early signs of spring everywhere! Yes ….. many trees are still bare. And yes ….. it was a tad cold! But in the midst of winter ….. I can see a new season coming. Spring speaks to me of hope! You may be in the middle of the biggest trial of your life ….. but there is always hope! Even if your situation doesn’t change ….. God sees the path ahead and He has got you. His hopes and plans for you are much greater and better than what you could possibly imagine. So yield to His will and His leading. Spring is coming!


Sue’s Views
We all need support to keep us on the straight and narrow. For some that might mean a gentle word of encouragement. For others it might mean taking a tougher stance! A good friend will tell you the truth ….. not what you want to hear. And if you want to be a good friend ….. you might have to risk offending someone. 
Proverbs 27:5-6
“Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend;”


Sue’s Views
The reversal of Roe v Wade has been labelled ‘draconian’. Draco was a Greek  legislator who lived in the 7th century BC. His laws are said to have been cruel and harsh. Minor offences were punished by death or slavery. I’m not suggesting we go that far ….. but it seems to me that countries with tougher laws have less lawbreaking. God’s laws were pretty tough! Things like murder ….. adultery ….. stealing ….. we’re punishable by death. Laws have become very complicated. They have been adjusted to suit the moral decline in society ….. but the moral law (Gods Law) will never change. Jesus summed it up by saying “Love God first ….. and love people as you love yourself.“ It’s based on love! Love isn’t giving people what they want ….. it’s helping them do what’s right. God’s laws are not old fashioned ….. they are ancient!

Glory to God

Sue’s Views
It’s hard to appreciate the night sky when you live in urban areas ….. but I remember looking up when we were staying in a rural area of Fiji. It was the most amazing sight I’d ever seen! To think that those millions of bright shiny dots were bigger than our planet earth was mind blowing. And then to think how far away they are and how vast the universe is is incomprehensible. But the most amazing thing of all is the fact that they were all uniquely created by God ….. and that He knows each one by name! How great must He be! And yet ….. He knows you and me intimately as well. From the largest planet to the minutest cell in our bodies! He deserves all the praise and all the glory!