Let It Go!

Sue’s Views
There are plenty of opportunities each day for us to take offence. I’ve personally been aware of some bad attitudes creeping in lately. When we’ve been hurt ….. we can start to build our case ….. and we see everything through a filter of cynicism or sarcasm. These are mechanisms to protect ourselves from further pain by pointing the finger ….. and passing judgement on our perpetrators. The problem is that our ‘filter’ prevents us from seeing clearly and keeps us stuck in a place where we can only be happy if things change. Acknowledge the pain ….. forgive those who hurt you ….. and let them go. God says ‘Vengeance is Mine. I will repay!’ When we know God’s supremacy and absolute authority ….. we can move on with our lives ….. knowing He’s got us in the palms of His hands.

Isolation Joy!

Sue’s Views
This was my isolation project for the past couple of weeks! It’s a good idea to have something to focus on ….. even if it’s only a few pieces at a time. It got me out of my chair ….. and gave me a sense of achievement. When our bodies are sick ….. it affects our minds as well. We can become self focussed and depressed. So choose to do something that gives you joy. It might be a walk around the garden ….. listening to some uplifting music ….. or a project that requires a bit of creativity. See it as an opportunity rather than an interruption!
‘Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.’ James 1:2

New Season

Sue’s Views
It was so nice to be back in the great outdoors yesterday! And a whole new season has begun. I love how there is beauty in every season. While most trees are beginning to shed their leaves ….. it’s time for others to shine. That’s why we never need to compare our selves or our lives with others. You may have been through a long and harsh dry patch ….. but your season is coming. Everything has been preparation for what is to come. 
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
1 Corinthians 2:9

Together Again!

Sue’s Views
It was so good to finally get my hands on these guys yesterday after 2 weeks. Video chats just aren’t the same! It made me think of all the families that have been separated from their loved ones ….. some for many months ….. due to Covid. Things we used to take for granted are becoming more and more precious. Let’s continue to pray that the things that separate us will soon be over!

The Helper

Sue’s Views
One of the greatest blessings that comes with belonging to Gods family ….. is being led by the a Holy Spirit. He is Gods representative on earth and He is with us all the time. We can walk and talk with Him continually ….. and He helps us in all sorts of practical ways as well as spiritually. A couple of weeks ago ….. I had the urge to buy extra groceries and spent a couple of days cooking and baking. Little did I know at the time that we were about to come down with Omicron as well as many other family members and friends. It’s easy to ignore those little ‘nudges’ He gives us ….. but they are there for a reason. I’m so thankful for this wonderful friend who knows what’s going to happen ….. where the best bargains are ….. and all sorts of other information that I lack.

Fight Another Round

Sue’s Views
It’s been a tough week and I’ve been thinking about Psalm 73. The psalmist was struggling with the fact that the wicked always seemed to prosper. His people had suffered many losses ….. and like us ….. he wanted to know why! 
“But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold.
For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. 
They are free from common human burdens; they are not plagued by human ills.”
But after getting it off his chest ….. God showed him the answer from His perspective. He showed him their end! 
“Surely you place them on slippery ground; you cast them down to ruin.
How suddenly are they destroyed, completely swept away by terrors!
They are like a dream when one awakes; when you arise, Lord,
you will despise them as fantasies.”
We always need to look at the bigger picture. Life is a series of battles. You win some ….. you lose some! But losing a battle is not the same as losing the war. I much prefer true life movies to those romantic ‘happy ever after’ movies. True life is never predictable ….. but God has already written the ending!

Truth Always Wins!

Sue’s Views
2 new words that have been added to our vocabulary lately are ‘misinformation’ …..and ‘disinformation’. Apparently one letter can make a huge difference! Misinformation ….. according to the dictionary ….. means wrong information given by mistake or misunderstanding. It is not designed to mislead but does anyway! Disinformation has a rather more sinister connotation because it deliberately gives false information. It may add to the truth ….. subtract from the truth ….. or completely make up a ‘new truth’. You may recognise these concepts from your childhood. What did we used to call them? Oh that’s right ….. LIES! One thing we all probably learned from it is that the truth always wins in the end.

Go To The Top

Sue’s Views
If you are tired of the struggle of trying to be heard ….. maybe you are speaking to the wrong person. The person you are appealing to has their own mindset ….. and mindsets are not easily changed. Sometimes it’s a matter of pride ….. no one likes to be told they are wrong! Try appealing to God who has the power and authority to bring down arguments and false beliefs. He alone can shift those stubborn mindsets and bring truth and understanding. Whether it’s about law changes ….. or international intervention ….. It’s always good to go straight to the top.

Mental Health

Sue’s Views
I was listening to the news last night about mental health being addressed in primary schools. It’s so sad to think that little kids ….. who have their whole lives ahead of them ….. are dealing with anxiety and depression. More than anything they need to be assured that they are safe and loved. I can’t help thinking that the antidote is to bring back Bible in Schools. It’s removal has made way for all sorts of philosophies to bring instability and confusion. The Bible not only speaks to the problem of wrong thinking ….. but also gives the answer.

How Do You Want to Be Remembered?

Sue’s Views

In yesterday’s church service ….. Ps Sunia challenged us to think about how we would like to be remembered at our funeral. Such a good question! And one I’ve been thinking seriously about. You don’t often hear negative remarks in a eulogy. They usually focus on the best qualities and memories. But I don’t want to be remembered as a ‘nice person’. I guess I would want to have made a difference! I would hope to have inspired people to live their best life ….. to be the best version of themselves they can be ….. to see themselves as God sees them ….. so they can in turn help others to do the same! I realise that ….. starting today ….. I can decide what will be written on my tombstone. And so can you! It’s the moment by moment decisions we make that determine the words that will define how we influence others.  But the words I would most want to hear are these from my Heavenly Father: