Future Hope

Sue’s Views

This beautiful rose is a symbol of hope. We are living in the present ….. but there is more to come. The Bible tells us that our eyes have not seen ….. our ears have not heard ….. and our hearts have not imagined ….. the things God has for those who love Him. So keep on loving Him no matter what. His plans for you are beyond your wildest dreams! 

Prayer Warriors

Sue’s Views

A huge thank you to those who have been praying for Frank’s brother. Eye surgery done and dusted! He now has perfect vision in one eye. The other is in miracle territory. Things don’t always go the way we’d like ….. but when we come to the end of our ability ….. God’s is just beginning. God invites us to partner with Him by praying. He is the miracle worker!  It is great to see these 2 warriors together! 

True Love

Sue’s Views

We all like a bit of romance ….. but how realistic is it really? Hollywood has set the bar too high for most of us! It gives us false expectations ….. and the message that love is a feeling. ‘If it feels good ….. do it! If it no longer feels good ….. move on!’ Jesus had a lot to say about love. He said ‘Love your enemies and do good to those who persecute you.’ Now that is more like it! Every day we have opportunities to show that kind of love! I’s not about feelings ….. it’s all about choices. It’s not about getting my need met ….. it’s all about helping others get their needs met. Sometimes ….. we may feel that our love has been trampled on. That’s how Jesus felt when He was crucified on our behalf so we could receive the love of the Father. Now that is true love!

He Never Stops Working!

Sue’s Views

If your world has been turned upside down ….. and it feels like nothing will ever be the same ….. remember that ‘not even one sparrow will fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And you are far more valuable than a sparrow.’ He will provide for you while He is working out your situation. Even when we can’t see it ….. or feel it ….. He’s working! He ever stops working! 

God Will Make a Way

Sue’s Views
We are enjoying hosting Frank’s brother and sister in law who are visiting from Fiji. Joe is having eye surgery tomorrow so we would appreciate your prayers. It has been a long process getting him here due to Covid but we are so thankful to God for His provision. As the song goes ….. ‘God will make a way where there seems to be no way.’ The One who makes rivers flow in the dessert ….. dry pathways through the sea ….. opens blind eyes ….. will make a way for you too if you surrender all to Him!

From Mess to Message

Sue’s Views
When life sends you a curveball ….. as it no doubt will ….. stop ….. and look up! Instead of looking at the situation ….. focus on the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Along the way ….. people will let us down. The unexpected happens. These things can send us reeling. These are the times God carries us through. Don’t resist Him ….. don’t distance yourself from Him ….. don’t make important decisions until you find your balance again. 

He can turn your mess into a message!


Sue’s Views
We build walls to keep intruders out and to protect what’s inside. We all need boundaries ….. but not all walls are helpful. When we build a wall around our hurts ….. and our struggles ….. they will not go away. There are times when we need to let someone we trust inside the walls. We may feel ashamed or afraid to show them what’s there ….. but once it’s exposed to the light ….. it can be seen in perspective and can be dealt with. The road to healing starts with this one step.

Lies v Truth

Sue’s Views
After listening to the news last night ….. I felt angry and sad at the damage that Satan has caused in our world. His aim is death and destruction ….. but his means is deception. By slowly eroding the truth ….. he lures us into his evil plan ….. and before we know it ….. we are caught in his web. He questions ‘Did God really say …..?’ He tells us that what God says is harmful will do us good. The only antidote is God’s Word ….. The Bible. It has always been and always will be The Truth. When we study and get to know the Truth ….. we will easily recognise the lies. The more we study the lies ….. the more we will find ourselves doubting the Truth!

Through the Valley

Sue’s Views
The valley of the shadow of death is not a place we would choose to walk through ….. but for most of us it will be a part of our journey. However ….. there is much to be learned there. Firstly ….. a valley is a low lying area between hills or mountains. It takes you through something that would otherwise be insurmountable. Secondly ….. it’s only a shadow of death. Shadows can be eerie ….. but they are not the real thing. They appear bigger than the real thing ….. but they have no substance. Shadows are also proof that there is light even though you can’t see it. Thirdly ….. it is a place where we are assured of God’s presence. He said ‘When you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will be with you. My rod and my staff will comfort you.’ If you are in that valley ….. look for the One who is with you every step of the journey!

Queen’s Birthday

Sue’s Views
Today we are celebrating the Queen’s Birthday here in NZ. Whether you love or hate the Royals ….. I have a tremendous respect for Queen Elizabeth! She has shown some amazing leadership qualities throughout her reign. Through good times and some very difficult times ….. she has remained faithful to her calling. She has been a hard worker ….. faithful wife ….. and a symbol of hope and courage through wars ….. depressions ….. tragedies ….. and scandals! She has been open about her Christian faith which has carried her through. You may be in a situation you didn’t ask for or feel unprepared for. Put your hand in the hand of the King of Kings ….. and let Him teach you and guide you through.