Van Gogh Live

Sue’s Views
Yesterday we were blessed by our awesome family to attend the Van Gogh Live exhibition as a Mothers Day gift. It was an amazing experience. As with many highly gifted people ….. Van Gogh experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows. These come through in his paintings. Some of his quotes show his understanding of mental illness ….. and he found a way to express his emotions through his works of art. If you are struggling with depression or anxiety ….. you are not alone! Allow God’s deepness to connect with the depths of emotion you are feeling and bring truth and wholeness to you.


Sue’s Views
The sunflower can teach us many lessons! Apart from producing seeds and oil that are full of vitamins and nutrients ….. their very appearance brings joy and a feeling of wellness. I love how they turn their heads to follow the sun. It’s a reminder for us to look towards the Son of God ….. who wants to produce good things in our lives. We reflect who we look at! I pray you will all have a blessed week filled with joy and health!

From Darkness to Light

Sue’s Views
If you have been walking through a dark place ….. there is light at the end of this tunnel. If you are about to give up ….. keep going ….. because there is hope for you. If you can’t see a future ….. keep believing ….. because Your future is in God’s hands. If you are harbouring guilt or shame ….. acknowledge it ….. because forgiveness and healing are waiting for you. Darkness is the Devil’s playground. It’s a place of distortion ….. lies ….. and accusation. Jesus said ‘1 am the Light of the World. If you follow me you won’t be stumbling through the darkness, for living light will flood your path.’


Sue’s Views
When I was younger ….. I would ask God to remove all the obstacles from my path. To fill my day with blessings ….. to help me get on with everyone ….. to help me find a car park etc. I’m glad to say it has developed over the years! Now ….. my prayers go something like ‘Please give me the strength to face whatever is in my path. Help me to be a blessing to those around me. There is nothing I will face today that You and I together can’t handle!’ Then ….. I go about my day with confidence. God doesn’t always take us out of challenging situations ….. but He does walk through them with us!


Sue’s Views

Our past experiences make a pathway for our future. They can take us up to new heights of expectation ….. or down to old feelings of failure or shame. Why is it that some who have had an abysmal past become world changers ….. while others repeat the cycle? They make a decision whilst at the crossroads. They see clearly the two choices laid out before them and they choose the higher road. They see their God given potential and don’t want to waste it. They realise that ….. with His help ….. nothing is impossible!

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Sue’s Views

Yesterday we celebrated Mother’s Day ….. and I hope all the Mums got the message of how much they are appreciated. But the truth is ….. much of what you do will not be! Your advice will not always be heeded ….. your expectations will not always be met ….. your sacrifice will often go unnoticed. But ….. you will wake up tomorrow and do it all again ….. because you are Mum! God has wired you that way ….. and He sees everything you do.

Recipe for Peace

Sue’s Views

Life gives us plenty of opportunities to be anxious. How do we stay in peace through such times? The Bible gives us a wonderful step by step recipe. Philippians 4: 6-8 says ‘Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.  Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about.’ Have a blessed and peace filled Friday everyone! 

It’s Time to Return!

Sue’s Views
This is the view from my window this morning! It reminds me of the scripture in Isaiah 44:22 “I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.” This is the plea of a Father to His wayward children. The price He paid was His Son’s life on a cross! There are many out there who are not even aware that their sins have been paid for. All they need to do is to return to their Heavenly Father ….. and receive His forgiveness. Do you have a prodigal son or daughter? Or maybe you are that prodigal child? Hear the cry of the Father! It’s time to return!

Be Doers of the Word

Sue’s Views
When Jesus was teaching his followers ….. many times He said ‘He who has ears ….. let him hear!’ They all had ears ….. so what did he mean? Hearing and listening are two different things. We hear all sorts of voices every day. The media ….. ads selling stuff we don’t need ….. gossip. We often hear about people who have ‘selective hearing’ in a negative way ….. but we all need to be selective in what we listen to. We need to discern what is true and reject what is false. When Jesus speaks about hearing ….. He is looking for action. We must be doers of His words ….. not merely hearers!

Favourite Things

Sue’s Views
In the ‘Sound of Music’ ….. Maria got the children to think of their favourite things when they were afraid. It got them from being scared of a thunderstorm to singing and dancing for joy! It was good advice ….. because it changed their focus. Whatever we focus on will be magnified. When we focus on how big our problems are ….. they get bigger. When we focus on hurts from the past ….. they go deeper. By focussing on things that bring us joy ….. the chemistry in our body changes! We create feel good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. Make sure you have a list of things at your disposal that bring you joy.