Blank Canvas
The year stretches out before us like a blank canvas! I wonder what the picture will look like at the end! Some of it will depend on us ….. choices we make ….. attitudes we adopt. Some of it will be chosen for us ….. decisions and actions beyond our control. But one thing I know for sure is that ‘the eyes of the Lord are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end.’ Deut 11:11. We need to go forward in faith!
The Gate of the Year
This little poem seems appropriate today! I’ve heard many say they can’t wait for 2020 to be over as if a date change will make all the troubles go away. We can’t guarantee that things will get easier in 2021. The truth is they probably won’t. The key to living a successful and joy filled life in the midst of trouble ….. is putting your hand in the Hand of God! If you make one New Years Resolution ….. let it be that one. Thanks to all my FB followers for your friendship and encouragement this year. May you all be blessed with good health ….. and may you grow even stronger in 2021 ❤️
The Process
How have you changed this year? We don’t always notice the change until we look back. In fact there have probably been times when you’ve felt stuck ….. and we’ve all felt restricted! But like when the caterpillar’s movement becomes halted ….. and his space becomes limited ….. something beautiful is being formed within those limitations. The effort required to break loose gives him the strength for the next part of his journey. And so it will be for you! To all our loved ones in the UK, US, Europe and Oz ….. you will come through this! God be with you in the process! ❤️
I’m always thankful for this week between Christmas and New Year. It’s a time to recover ….. rest ….. reflect ….. and refocus on the year ahead. There’s no pressure ….. no expectations ….. it’s like someone pressed the pause button! Take some time to process the past year before the ‘play’ button gets pressed again ….. because soon it will be ‘fast forward!’
Land of the Long White Cloud
We are so blessed to live here in the Land of the Long White Cloud! As we prepare for summer holidays ….. gathering with loved ones ….. and freedom to move around our country ….. let’s remember those in other countries that are in lockdown and facing all that comes with it. But let’s not take our freedom for granted! We’ve worked hard as a nation to be where we are. We cannot let our guard down. Be sensible ….. and thoughtful of others. But first and foremost …..let’s be thankful!
Is it just me or has there been more bird life this year? I can understand it happening during lockdown ….. but even now they seem to be more prevalent. Maybe I’m just noticing them more ….. or maybe they are more adventurous and bold since we all stayed at home! Maybe it’s Gods way of reminding us He is still in charge ….. and able to take care of us.
Keep Things in Perspective
However stressed or pressured you may feel ….. remember to take it one day at a time. Jesus came to bring peace and joy ….. not stress and worry. He came to save us from sin ….. not to lead us into debt and more guilt. He came to show us what the Father is like ….. to demonstrate how we should live ….. and ultimately to die in our place so we could go to Heaven. Let’s keep things in
The Eye of the Storm
I remember experiencing a very strong cyclone while living in Fiji. It was frightening! Fortunately ….. our home was fitted with shutters and the roof was secured ….. but I still remember the sound of the wind. Then suddenly ….. it went silent! We thought it was over but discovered it was the ‘eye of the storm’ passing over us ….. and that there was more to come! The ‘eye of the storm’ is the safest place to be! When the storms of life enrage against you ….. remember you are the apple of God’s eye! Stay there ….. and no matter what’s going on around you ….. you will be safe! Thoughts and prayers going up for Fiji today!