Who Is Moulding Your Child?

Sue’s Views
How are the school holidays going? Our children are like pieces of clay. They are easily moulded when they are young. But as they get older ….. they are less pliable. The question is ….. who is moulding your child? The education department ….. the neighbours ….. the Internet? All these have a place in their development but ….. as parents ….. it’s our responsibility to teach them values and boundaries. “Train up a child in the way he/she should go and when they are old ….. they will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Disappointment or His Appointment?

Sue’s Views
Disappointment is something we will all experience many times on our journey through life. It is inevitable. Mainly due to our reality not lining up with our expectations. We expect people to do what they say ….. or we picture in our minds what the outcome should be but circumstances ruin our plan. I was looking at the word ‘disappointment’ this morning. I see 2 words ….. ‘dis’ and ‘appointment’. The prefix ‘dis’ usually has a negative connotation. What if we look at disappointment as something that takes us away from God’s appointment! When God makes an appointment ….. He keeps it! When He promises something ….. He fulfills it! Sometimes our expectations hinder us from experiencing God’s appointed plan. So instead of seeing things as a disappointment ….. maybe we should be waiting for His appointment!

God Sees The Whole Picture

Sue’s Views
As human beings ….. our vision is limited. We only see part of the picture. God ….. on the other hand ….. sees the whole picture very clearly. That’s why we need the Holy Spirit’s guidance when we make decisions. As we partner with Him ….. He can open our eyes to see what’s going on behind the scenes. Your ‘inconvenience’ may be someone else’s opportunity. Your delay may be God protecting you from danger. Pray that you would see through His eyes ….. and trust Him.

He Walks Us Through!

Sue’s Views
Walking with God means going through the tough times! When we are in a situation we’d rather not be in ….. our prayer is often …..”God, get me outta here!” We look for all the ways God could rescue us ….. but He usually doesn’t send a helicopter to take us out. No! He comes down to where we are and walks us through! I’m glad I’ve walked through some things I wanted to go away. I know God so much better!

Stormy Weather

Sue’s Views
Storms ….. they come out of nowhere ….. we can’t always predict them ….. we can’t always avoid them ….. but one thing we know is that they come to pass! If we can navigate our way through ….. we will come out unscathed. Make sure you have Jesus in your boat! He is very comfortable in storms and He has a purpose on the other side!

Which Dog Are You Feeding?

Sue’s Views
Whenever we are facing a challenge ….. a battle takes place in our minds. We hear two voices. One is the voice of God ….. encouraging ….. assuring ….. strengthening ….. saying ‘You can do this!’ The other is the voice of the enemy ….. creating fear ….. doubt ….. shame ….. saying ‘Did God really say …..?’ God tests us by allowing us to go through difficult times. His motive is for us to overcome and pass the test. At the same time ….. Satan tempts us by making us believe God can’t be trusted. His motive is for us to give up and fail the test. Someone said ‘It’s like there are 2 dogs fighting ….. a good dog and a bad dog’. Which one wins? ‘The one I feed the most!’ Which ‘dog’ are you feeding?

Divine Delays

Sue’s Views
As Jesus was on his way to heal Jairus’s daughter ….. He was ‘interrupted’ by a woman who had been sick for 12 years. I wonder how Jairus felt. His daughter was dying ….. time was of the essence ….. there was no time to waste! But Jesus was not in a hurry. He not only healed the woman but then went on to raise the little girl from the dead! What seem to us to be interruptions may simply be opportunities for miracles.

Faith That Moves Mountains!

Sue’s Views
Facing a mountain? Whether it’s a crisis ….. or a really big challenge ….. declare this …..   ” Lord Jesus, there is nothing I will face today that You and I together can’t handle!” Now go in faith ….. because faith moves mountains!

Our Circumstances Don’t Determine Our Outcome!

Sue’s Views

Our circumstances don’t determine our outcome ….. our thinking does! If you believe you’re a victim ….. you’ll live like one. But if you believe that nothing can hold back the potential God has put inside you ….. no rock ….. mountain ….. or obstacle will be able to stop you! Your harsh circumstances only serve to give all the more glory to God!

Sweet Dreams!

Sue’s Views
Do you suffer from insomnia? The animal kingdom seems to be able to sleep anytime anywhere! But some of us humans struggle to get the hours of sleep our bodies need. Our minds are constantly on overload ….. we take on more than we can handle ….. we eat too close to bedtime ….. and we spend way too much time on screens that overstimulate our brains! Again ….. the Bible gives us the antidote. Wisdom and commonsense! It’s one thing to know what we should do but it’s another thing to do it! It also encourages us to ‘Cast all our cares upon the Lord ….. for He cares for us’. What’s the point of staying awake worrying about something that the God of the Universe is dealing with? (Note to self 😔) I find that things always look better in the morning anyway! Sweet Dreams 😴