Sue’s Views

Sue’s Views

The Path Less Travelled

Sue WilsonMar 7, 20251 min read

Sue’s Views Is God calling you to do something difficult ….. maybe something you haven’t done before? Feeling hesitant and uncertain? The path less travelled…


Sue WilsonMar 6, 20251 min read

Sue’s Views  Words have tremendous power. You can actually change someone by the way you speak to them. A pleasant, kind word is like honey…

The Antidote For Fear

Sue WilsonMar 5, 20251 min read

Sue’s Views Fear of what might happen is one of the devil’s most powerful weapons! With so many tragedies happening around us ….. it’s easy…

Go With The Flow?

Sue WilsonMar 4, 20251 min read

Sue’s Views Is your philosophy on life to ‘go with the flow’? It sounds good ….. but whose flow are you going with? Are you…

The Path Of Life

Sue WilsonMar 4, 20251 min read

Sue’s Views  The path of life is rarely a straight line. There are many twists and turns along the way. Sometimes we get impatient because…

Amazing Life Giving Creation!

Sue WilsonFeb 28, 20251 min read

 Sue’s Views These lush green leaves speak to me of life with their freshness and vibrancy. As we all learned in school ….. leaves are…

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