
Moving house has been a great lesson on ‘putting off the old’ and ‘putting on the new’. There are certain challenges ….. like disorientation for example. Things are not where they used to be! I keep opening the wrong door ….. or forgetting where I put things! (OK! That might just be due to my age) But the familiarity of the past has gone. Then there’s new appliances to get used to. The new ones are more technical and require more studying. But on the positive side ….. this experience is breaking me out of my rut! We so easily slip into our comfort zone. We get upset if something is missing or out of place. We settle for the familiar and don’t try the new. You don’t have to move house to break the monotony. Try a new recipe ….. rearrange your furniture ….. join an art class! It’s been said that the only thing we can be sure of is change. We’d better get used to it because there is a lot of it coming our way!
