Sue’s Views
How are you holding up? This tree looks fine from the side where most people walk by. It seems stable and strong. But from the other side ….. we can see it is crumbling under the pressure. Many of us are like that tree. We show a side to others that appears we have it all together ….. while we are actually not doing so well. The challenges of the last few years have affected us all. Some have gone through a storm that was sudden and fierce. But for most ….. it has been a slow process of erosion. One thing after another with little time to process in between. We keep going because we have to …..but the weight we are carrying makes us tired. If you relate ….. know that you are not alone. Sharing your burdens with a friend or someone you can trust is a big part of your recovery. But talking to Jesus is the best medicine. He understands more than anyone. He doesn’t promise to take the trials away ….. but to help us overcome them.
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33