Sue’s Views
Well it’s officially the first day of summer ….. but it’s not looking very summery where I am! Heavy rain and howling wind. But I learned a long time ago not to allow the weather to change my outlook. So often ….. our expectations are very different to our reality. Does that mean we should lower our expectations so we won’t be disappointed? Sometimes our expectations are unreal. We don’t live in an ideal world. Sin has corrupted it. I believe the answer lies in how we look at our reality. Instead of comparing it to our ideal expectations ….. we should be thankful for the positives. Despite the wind and rain ….. I still have a roof and no leaks! Others may not be as fortunate. When we put our hope in God ….. we will never be disappointed!
“And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” Romans 5:5