Sue’s Views
Are you feeling insignificant? Do you feel like you just blend in ….. while others stand out? There will always be someone in your life that steals the show! They are more beautiful ….. more outgoing ….. attract people when they walk in the room. Comparison is a dangerous game. It results in attempts to find fault with the other person to make us look better. It produces striving to be like someone else instead of being the person God made us. And ….. worst of all ….. it tells God He doesn’t know what He is doing and accuses Him of being unfair. God doesn’t compare us on our outward appearance ….. He sees our hearts! A beautiful heart ….. cantered on God ….. produces a beautiful person.
‘’The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7