Sue’s Views
It’s not quite the ‘romantic ambience’ most would have hoped for to celebrate Valentines Day! Grey skies ….. mud everywhere ….. landslides ….. damaged dreams ….. the aftermath of a cyclone! But it’s probably an apt description of true love. Having been married 46 years to someone who is as opposite to me as they come ….. we have both had to learn that true love is hard work! It means learning to walk in their shoes ….. sacrificing your own will for theirs ….. learning to speak their love language when it’s foreign to yours ….. and choosing to ‘love’ when you don’t necessarily ‘like’. Sorry to spoil the Valentines Day vibe ….. but if you want to find true love ….. it will cost you more than flowers and chocolates! It will cost you your pride ….. your rights ….. and your self. But it leads to a love that money can’t buy. We are still learning. That’s why marriage is ‘till death us do part’. It takes a lifetime! There are brighter skies ahead ….. so keep loving!