Sue’s Views
There’s no doubt today is a big day in the history of the world’s future! The outcome of the US election will affect us all ….. but it’s not going to change God’s plan! He is not deterred by what the polls suggest ….. neither is he fooled by man’s dirty tactics. He already knows the outcome ….. and it won’t faze Him one bit! History is ‘His Story’. He was there in the beginning and He’ll be there at the end. Around 80% of the prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled and the rest are still future. Those odds are pretty convincing so I have no doubt they will also be fulfilled. But we need to be on God’s team because things will get worse before they get better! The biggest problem in the world today is that we have turned our backs on God! We’ve allowed laws to be passed that go against His will and purpose. We have made God in our image instead letting Him mould us into His image. When we break His laws ….. we break ourselves! But it’s not too late to mend the broken pieces. Jesus is the only answer!