Everything has a beginning ….. except God! That’s a hard concept to grasp but He has no beginning. He just always was! He created the universe out of nothing! Another challenge for our brains! Men and women have created some amazing things from the wheel to our modern day technology ….. but they always had something to start with. God made the first matter out of which He created the Universe. At first it was formless and empty so He turned the chaos into cosmos with order and boundaries. Then He filled it with life! He filled the heavens with the sun, moon and stars ….. the sea and skies with fish and bird life ….. the dry land with animals and ….. finally with mankind ….. his crowning glory! Many would want to believe it all just happened without any intelligence or design. But our world is full of design. You were designed uniquely and for a purpose. If we didn’t believe that ….. we would live as though we were here by chance or by accident. God formed you in His image ….. and filled you with dreams ….. talents ….. and personality to fulfil His purpose. Your life is precious!