Sue’s Views
I feel like I’ve known the Queen all my life! Today would have been my parents 69th wedding anniversary. They were married the same week as Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation ….. and were given several wedding gifts commemorating the event. I especially remember a beautiful blue leather Bible with the Queen’s crest on the cover. As a child ….. my parents took me to ‘see the Queen’ at various events like the Changing of the Guard and the Trooping of the Colour. All very exciting for a little girl! It was like stepping into a magical world of wonder! Of course ….. all these years later ….. I’m aware of the fact that she ….. like any other mother ….. has had more than her share of heartache and shame. In many ways ….. that makes me all the more filled with admiration. She has not only been a figure head ….. but also a wonderful example of faith in the God she so openly shares at every opportunity. To me ….. she is a true leader! And an inspiration! I heard her say in her recent documentary that the word ‘inspire’ has two meanings. 1. To encourage someone to do something great. 2. To breathe in. I wonder how many times she has had to take in a deep breath over the years! But it’s wonderful advice to us all. When you are faced with a challenge ….. bad news ….. something beyond your ability ….. stop and take a deep breath. And remember to invite God into the situation. He is the King of Kings ….. and He wants to be your King too! Congratulations Queen Elizabeth on your 70th Jublilee. May God continue to bless and guide you through the coming years!