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12 Steps to a Good Year (by Derek Prince)
Step 7: Let Us Hold Fast Our Confession Without Wavering
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23 NASB)
If we take these passages from Hebrews in the correct order, we see that, in respect to our confession, there are three successive stages. First, we make the confession. Second, having made it, we hold fast to it—we do not change. Third, we hold it fast without wavering. Why do you think without wavering is put in? To me, it implies—not merely on the basis of logic, but on the basis of personal experience—that when we make the right confession, we are going to encounter negative forces and pressures that will come against us. Even though we have made the right confession and we are holding it fast, there may come a time when the pressure increases. In fact, it may seem that all the forces of Satan and all the powers of darkness are turned loose against us, tempting us to let go of our confession.
But this is the point at which the writer of Hebrews encourages us: “Don’t let go. Hold fast—without wavering.” The darker the situation, the greater the problem. The more the pressure, the more important it is for us to hold fast without wavering. Why? Because “He who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23).You may feel you have lost sight of God, and you don’t know what He’s doing. You may feel He’s behind the clouds, out of sight. But Scripture says He is faithful. Whether you see Him or not, whether you understand or not, He is faithful. He is committed to His Word and He is our High Priest. If we hold fast our confession without wavering, He will do His job as our High Priest.