Sue’s Views
The Word of God can be likened to a mirror. It shows us what we are really like! It can’t change us … can only reveal what needs to be changed. Maybe a hair out of place ….. food in our teeth ….. dirt on our face. It’s then up to us to remove it! God gave us laws to show us we need a Saviour! There’s no way we could ever live up to them no matter how hard we try. God’s standard is 100% perfection. Anything less than that is sin in God’s eyes. In the Old Testament ….. God required animal sacrifices to atone for the sins of the people. But they had to be made over and over. Jesus ….. God’s only Son ….. was and is the answer to this problem. He became our once and for all sacrifice so we could have a relationship with God. If you see something in the mirror that needs changing ….. don’t walk away and ignore it! Acknowledge it ….. and ask Jesus to help you change.