Sue’s Views
One of the enemy’s tactics is to get us to focus on ourselves. Our problems ….. our hurts ….. our weaknesses ….. our past failures. When we do that ….. we lose sight of who God is and how great He is. The issues become the focus ….. and whatever we focus on ….. grows! We start to say things like ‘Why me?’ ….. ‘It’s not fair’ ….. It’s too hard!’ And we go around feeling defeated and resentful. We need to constantly remind ourselves of God’s supreme power ….. knowledge and ability. By changing our focus from ‘me’ to Him ….. our minds will shift into a whole new way of thinking. And the way we view our circumstances will change as well!
‘Ah Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You.’
Jeremiah 32:17