Sue’s Views

Sue’s Views

Life’s Lessons

Sue WilsonNov 4, 20241 min read

Sue’s Views Well ….. this weekend went a little different to how I’d expected! I made a rash decision on Friday afternoon to do some…

Mercy and Grace

Sue WilsonNov 1, 20241 min read

Sue’s Views  Two of the most precious gifts God offers us are mercy and grace. Mercy means that we don’t get the punishment we deserve…

Keep Learning

Sue WilsonOct 31, 20241 min read

Sue’s Views Did you know that the human brain is the one organ that keeps developing throughout your life? You have the potential to keep…

New Every Morning

Sue WilsonOct 30, 20241 min read

Sue’s Views The fresh and vibrant colours of spring always remind me of God’s mercies that are ‘new every morning’. The word ‘mercy’ means undeserved…

Wonderful Counsellor

Sue WilsonOct 29, 20241 min read

Sue’s Views Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t know what to do? I know I have! My mind goes blank and…

Great Advice!

Sue WilsonOct 28, 20241 min read

Sue’s Views Two things come to mind when I look at this photo ….. 1. ‘It’s water under the bridge’….. meaning let go of the…

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