Sue’s Views

Sue’s Views

Lessons from a forest

Sue WilsonOct 14, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views I love how these trees grow so tall and straight ….. and respect each other’s space. Friendship is like that! It’s allowing someone…


Sue WilsonOct 13, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views Whenever I feel a bit down I try to go for a walk in our local Botanical Gardens. It always does the trick.…


Sue WilsonOct 12, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views Our grandchildren are precious for many reasons ….. not the least being that they continue our legacy. We all have our weaknesses …..…

Time to Choose Wisely

Sue WilsonOct 9, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views Only one week to go till our elections. If you are anything like me you may be still deliberating! And that’s ok because…

Pick Your Battles

Sue WilsonOct 8, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views Let’s face it ….. we are in a battle! There are battles going on over who will win the election ….. who will…

God is For Us

Sue WilsonOct 7, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views This pretty little bird landed on the path right in front of me and stopped me in my tracks. In that moment …..…
