Sue’s Views

Sue’s Views

Learning Curves

Sue WilsonAug 10, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views The journey through life is never a straight line. There are twists and turns ….. ups and downs along the way. The path…

Let go and Let God

Sue WilsonAug 7, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views Has your life been turned upside down? Feel like you are hanging on by your fingernails? It might be time to let go…

Water from a Rock

Sue WilsonAug 6, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views Here in New Zealand we are experiencing a serious drought. We are all doing our best to limit our water usage ….. but…


Sue WilsonAug 5, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views Does the way ahead seem to be blocked? Gates have two purposes. They are there to keep intruders out ….. but also to…

RMS Rangitane

Sue WilsonAug 4, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views I had a wonderful surprise while out with a group of friends from Church on Saturday. We visited the Maritime Museum in Auckland…

When the outlook is bleak

Sue WilsonAug 3, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views No matter how bleak things look right now ….. it’s only for a season. You might be on a part of life’s journey…
