Sue’s Views

Sue’s Views

God is Faithful

Sue WilsonJul 31, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views There are signs of spring even though it’s still the middle of winter! They remind me of God’s faithfulness ….. that even though…

A glimpse of Heaven

Sue WilsonJul 30, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views Woke up to this amazing sky this morning! It reminded me that no matter what is happening here on earth ….. God is…

Overcoming Barriers

Sue WilsonJul 29, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views Are you looking longingly at life through a barrier? Do you feel like you are on the outside looking in? The barrier may…

Red Flags

Sue WilsonJul 28, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views The majority of life’s lessons are learned the hard way! We learn by our mistakes. Last night ….. as my FB friends will…


Sue WilsonJul 27, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views Does it feel like you are going round in circles? Are you facing the same challenges ….. and making the same mistakes …..…


Sue WilsonJul 24, 20201 min read

Are you living with regret for mistakes you’ve made in the past? If only life had a ‘delete’ button ….. or a ‘rewind’! Most of…
