Sue’s Views

Sue’s Views

Faith and Works

Sue WilsonJul 16, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views One of the hardest things to understand about Christianity is that we are saved by faith ….. not by works. We are so…

Don’t be anxious!

Sue WilsonJul 15, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views Let’s face it! The world is in serious trouble! There is much to be concerned about. The media keeps us up to date…

How’s Your Heart?

Sue WilsonJul 14, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views How is your heart? Is it soft and pliable ….. or has it been hardened by the circumstances of life? No matter what…

Living Stones

Sue WilsonJul 13, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views There are 7.8 billion people on the planet ….. and yet no two are identical! Even ‘identical twins’ have some unique characteristics. And…


Sue WilsonJul 10, 20201 min read

Sue’s Views This is a picture of abundant life. The trees might look dead and lifeless ….. but there’s so much going on on the…

Winter Wonders

Sue WilsonJul 9, 20201 min read

It’s mid winter here in New Zealand ….. and yesterday was our coldest day so far this year. Jack Frost definitely visited! Harsh circumstances sometimes…
