Sue’s Views

Sue’s Views

Hold God’s Hand!

Sue WilsonAug 14, 20241 min read

Sue’s Views Not sure what lies ahead? Take one step at a time! If the path seems  unfamiliar and a little scary ….. it takes…

He’s All We Need

Sue WilsonAug 13, 20241 min read

Sue’s Views When you feel like everything has been stripped away ….. and you are down to the bare essentials ….. you will find that…

‘I Am!’

Sue WilsonAug 12, 20241 min read

Sue’s Views Whatever season you are in ….. God is there! When Moses asked God ‘What is your name?’ ….. God answered ‘I Am!’ Not…

Warning Signs!

Sue WilsonAug 8, 20241 min read

Sue’s Views I wonder how often we ignore the warning signs ….. and then blame God when we get into trouble? He has clearly told…

How Are Your Stress Levels?

Sue WilsonAug 7, 20241 min read

Sue’s Views How are your stress levels? As any athlete will tell you ….. stress is their friend! It’s what makes them strong and able…


Sue WilsonAug 6, 20241 min read

Sue’s Views After several weeks of moving and setting up house ….. it was so good to get back to the Gardens yesterday. There were…

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